Tuesday, December 15, 2009

An Image is Sometimes More Powerful than Words Can Describe.

A simple photo can be something that is valued more than gold, money, or other precious possessions.  Even in the digital age where photos are taken so frequently that their potential impact is sometimes taken for granted.  Having worked several years in a major camera retailer, I know how important photos, especially family portraits can be to a person.  Whenever I've dealt with a person who had lost data on a memory card or has had their computer crash, their first concern is, overwhelmingly more often than not, to save their photos.  Especially when the photos are of the people you love and care about and are separated from.  Anyone who has been in the military, or knows someone who has been in the military, knows how valuable a simple thing as a photo from home can be. 

I saw a news piece tonight on NBC's Nightly News program that got my attention.  NBC Story-Portraits of Love .

The PMDA ( PhotoImaging Manufacturers and Distributors Association ) has joined forces with Soldiers' Angels to create a very interesting and very cool charity project for military families called Portraits of Love .  In essence, very talented pro photographers from around the country are donating their time and services to take and deliver 10,000 photos to deployed soldiers all over the world.  This is simply awesome.  I don't care what your views on war or military conflict are, but the men and women of the U.S. Force have essentially volunteered their life as a potential sacrifice for their country.  These people deserve our respect and our support.  I am glad to hear that the photography community is doing their part to give a little back to make a difference in these families' lives......even if it is only a photo.

The Program Apparently ended Dec. 4, in part to try and get the images to the soldiers by Christmas, however, you can find a list of participating photographers here.  Who knows maybe they'll still honor the program and still do a photo session.  Wouldn't hurt to ask.

Had I heard about this earlier I would have joined the list.  Although, I will be contacting them to see if there are plans to extend the program and/or have another event like this in the future.  If I hear any updates I will post them here on the blog.

I tip my hat to all those who have served and are currently serving in the military.  I also tip my hat to to all those photographers that joined this program.

