Tuesday, January 12, 2010

It Looks Good....But... Does It Taste Good?

Alright photo enthusiasts, and anyone else who follows the blog.  Today we're going to play a little game.

Brief Back-Story
It's no secret to anyone who has been around me in the past year, how fascinated and obsessed I am about food photography.  I'm sure almost everyone has notice that, there are a lot of times that the photo looks a lot better than the actual food on your plate.  The short answer for why this happens is you don't have a group of people spending 8 hours trying to make your food look good when you order a burger at your local fast food drive through.  On the flip side I'm sure most people have been to at least one local "Mom & Pop" restaurant where the food in their photos look like they came out of an industrial waste site.....but when you get the food, it tastes simply AMAZING.  In other words there is a bit of a disconnect between what we see and what we get.  Which is fine because they serve two different purposes... one is supposed to LOOK very tasty and doesn't necessarily have to actually taste good, the other is supposed to TASTE good and doesn't necessarily have to look like a piece of art.  There are many tricks, rules, and guidelines on when, where, and how you can make food look better or even use the dreaded....FAKE FOOD.   (I may got into some more detail about food photography in a later post).  But I digress......  ON TO THE GAME.

The Game- REAL or FAKE  (RULES)

I have a small collection of images that will be posted bellow that it will be your job to guess if the food in the photo is REAL actual edible food...or if the "food" is simply eye candy and a complete FAKE.  Pretty straight forward.  Bonus Points are awarded if you can figure out not only what is fake, but what is used to make the fake food.

Ready........Go!  (ROUND 1)

#1- Tea Cup

#2- Blue Berry Cake

#3- Winter Cake

#4- Champagne


Answers and full details soon...

Points Score:
5 Points for each correct Real or Fake Image
10 Points for the correct method used with the fake food

Good Luck All.



1 comment:

  1. I know FOR SURE that the Blueberry cake is for real. It was delicious, as I recall!
